CBD Eye Cream: The Ultimate Solution for Dark Circles and Puffiness

CBD has made waves in the pharmaceutical industry and is notably doing very well for itself. Numerous CBD products such as CBD body oils, facial serums, face oils, anti aging facial serums, glow oils, eye serums, anti-acne creams, pain relief sprays, pain relief roll-ons, pain relief creams, and pain relief oils have become immensely popular over the years. Out of the many applications of CBD, it has made an excellent space for itself in the skincare market. Several popular skincare brands like Sagely and Herbivore Emerald have made use of CBD oils to enhance their products and offer added skincare benefits to their customers. Some of the most common uses of CBD body oils, facial serums, or face oils has been to deal with signs of aging. The CBD oil in these products helps add moisture and hydration to the skin and destroy free radicals. Using CBD products has helped several people deal with aging signs such as wrinkles, fine lines, dark spots, uneven skin tone, and more. Other benefits of CBD skincare products include treating sunburns, making the skin look glowing and youthful, dealing with skin inflammation, reducing symptoms of eczema, and more. Now, the wonders of CBD have found their way in eye care as well. We don’t often give our eyes enough attention and care. There are anti aging serums for our faces and moisturizers for our hands. However, when it comes to our eyes, we often don’t give them daily care. This is where numerous eye-related issues creep up. They not only make our eyes look tired and uncared for but also lend an overall dull look to our face. Plus, skin issues under or near the eyes can also reflect on our poor overall health at times. Thus, it becomes crucial to care for our eyes, and this is where CBD eye creams come into play. What kinds of eye-related issues can one face, and how do CBD eye creams help in taking care of them? Let’s dive deeper. CBD eye cream for dark circles and puffy skin under the eyes One of the biggest issues most people face with their eyes is dark circles. There are several reasons why you might get dark circles. 1. Extreme fatigue 2. Overworking 3. Not getting enough sleep 4. Oversleeping 5. Stress and hypertension 6. Dehydration 7. Overexposure to the sun 8. Genetics 9. If you suffer from thyroid 10. Eye dryness 11. Allergies These factors cause the veins under your eyes to pop up, causing the skin in that area to look dark and dull. Plus, it also makes the skin under your eyes look puffy. The area just under your lower eyelids seems swollen and casts shadow underneath. This adds to the puffiness and makes a person’s skin look more dull and tired. Because of this, a person begins to look incredibly older than their age as well. While there are several methods to deal with dark circles and under eye puffiness, the biggest challenge one faces is that it takes a long time for them to go away. CBD has powerful moisturizing and antioxidant properties that help reduce puffiness and dark circles under the eyes. A 2019 study published in the Alternative Complementary & Integrative Medicine journal found out that CBD oils offer incredibly powerful moisturizing properties. Another 2010 study conducted by theDepartment of Pathology, Microbiology, and Immunology, University of South Carolina proves that CBD is also a powerful anti-inflammatory agent. Both these properties come together to take care of the puffiness in the eye bags. They work together to calm down the area under the eyes and break down any fluid build up that could be adding to the puffiness. The moisturising properties of the CBD eye cream also help make the skin under the eyes smooth and maintain a healthy skin tone. CBD eye cream to deal with issues arising from allergies Your eyes can also be affected if you have allergies. Many patients tend to sneeze a lot when their allergy is triggered. Most patients also suffer from runny or dry eyes. While CBD eye creams cannot be applied inside the eye to deal with these issues, they can help with the additional problems that arise with these allergies. Frequent sneezing or runny eyes can make the skin under the eyes incredibly baggy and swollen. It can also cause the area to become red and inflamed. Now, since CBD is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, it can help reduce the irritation and itchiness under the eyes caused due to these allergies. CBD eye creams work by calming down the skin and enabling it to reach skin homeostasis. This is made possible since the CBD eye cream gets absorbed into the skin and interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system. The CBD oil molecules bind to CB1 and CB2 receptors in the endocannabinoid system and send signals that reduce inflammation and redness in the target area. Once this is achieved, the redness and inflammation under the eyes go down, enabling the patient to get much needed relief from the allergies. CBD eye creams to deal with signs of aging around the eyes Signs of aging such as fine lines and wrinkles don’t just appear around the mouth or on a person’s cheeks. A person’s eyes are also an area where these wrinkles and fine lines appear. These smile or frown lines along the eyes make a person’s eyes look incredibly tired and dull. Plus, it also makes the person look way beyond their age. Other signs of aging that develop around the eyes are skin pigmentation, dark spots, and uneven skin tone. The biggest reason for the development of these signs of aging is the presence of abundant free radicals in the skin. These free radicals usually develop due to sun overexposure. When it comes to destroying these free radicals, one needs to use an agent with powerful antioxidant properties. Antioxidants such as Vitamin A, D, E and more work on these free radicals